Wednesday, February 27, 2008

My Dollars at Work

Last night I was really in the mood to read. I also had some coin in the front pocket of my khakis that was begging to be spent. I thought for a while about purchasing a new book, but the book of the month was fiction - I already read enough fiction on the local blogs. I thought about checking out our stellar local library when the thought hit me. What if you could read a great magazine and at the same time help fund an organization that has been protecting one of our freedoms for a hundred years? Well I jumped right over to the NRA homepage and rejoined on the spot. I was a member years ago, but let my membership lapse in the wake of family, job and church commitments. But no more.

I came to realize that no matter who lives in the White House next year, our Second Amendment freedom will be at risk. The worst case scenario has HRC clamping down on a citizen's right to purchase a firearm when they choose. She would like legislation that would limit purchases to one per month with every gun in America registered. She also would like to restrict the sale of ammunition. BHO is no better. He would immediately ban so called assault style weapons and would make it a felony to own one, even if you are already the proud owner of such a weapon. He has thrown out the idea of gun DNA. This is a process of firing a bullet through the barrel of the gun and then placing the spent round on file with the FBI in case the gun is used in a crime. Each gun will produce a different marking on a round, therefore making like a fingerprint or DNA sample. You can guess who gets to pay for this procedure. McCain is only slightly better than the two liberals. He was graded a C by the NRA for his stance on assault style weapons and his wish to basically close down gun shows. As you can see, we will have a fight on our hands no matter the who is elected. The old saying goes, "give and inch, politicians will take a mile." The NRA will fight for your freedom on any level it is necessary. Join today, heck you even get a great magazine out of the deal.


Iamhoosier said...

What about the other part of the 2nd amendment?

Daniel Short said...

I assume you are talking about the regulated militia. Well I believe I am already regulated enough when it comes to owning and bearing arms. And yes, I believe citizens having that right is necessary for a free State.

Iamhoosier said...

So exactly what rules and regulations regarding this amendment meet your approval? You say that you are "...already regulated enough". Too much or just right?

Daniel Short said...

I've noted before that the amendment is not about hunting or target practice. I believe in the natural law that a person has the right, the moral duty, to defend themselves. One does not need a Constitution to inform them of that right. With that said, I do not see the need for more regulation.

Iamhoosier said...

I have noted before that I do not believe in the total banning of guns to private citizens.

That said, you did not answer my question(s)about current regulations(restrictions, if you prefer)to private gun ownership. We both would agree, I'm sure, that a convicted felon should have some restrictions(if not total)placed on him/her. Outside of that, how do you feel?

Daniel Short said...

Currently, it is illegal for a convicted felon to possess a gun. I stated that I do not see the need for more regulation. I do not agree with more restrictions on purchasing , save for the mental illness check, and believe the current laws are effective. Keep in mind that criminals do not buy their guns from stores or gun shows. Their guns are not registered and if guns were outlawed today, criminals would still obtain them - because they are criminals, ergo they have no regard for the law in any situation.

Iamhoosier said...

Never mind. Sorry to have wasted your time.