Friday, March 21, 2008
Wear These During an Obama Speech

Mike Sodrel to Make Campaign About Issues
March 20, 2008
Well, we're off and running. I officially filed to be a candidate on January 25. That day we kicked off a 20-county tour of the district. We stopped in courthouses, libraries, and coffee shops all over the 9th district to greet supporters and talk to the local media about this race. We got great press coverage all over the district. I have been encouraged by Hoosiers from both sides of the aisle. To me this election isn't about candidates or parties. It's about the future of our Republic. I feel that this election is arguably the most important in my lifetime. After much prayer, Keta and I decided that we couldn't sit on the sidelines for this one. The future of our children and grandchildren, and future generations of Americans is much too important for me to stand idle.
We've been hearing the word "change" quite a bit recently. Bigger government and higher taxes is not change. That's more of the same. I want to see real change. One idea that would bring real change is the Fair Tax. The Fair Tax would eliminate income taxes and replace it with a sales tax. By moving taxes from production to consumption, the Fair Tax levels the tax playing field between American products and foreign products. So it's not only a tax bill, it's a jobs bill. You can read more about the Fair Tax at www.fairtax.org.
This is just one of the many issues that I will be discussing as the campaign goes forward. I encourage you to stay in contact with me and I humbly ask for your support. Please see my website at www.mikesodrel.com. From there, you can sign up to volunteer, make a donation, and keep up to date on our campaign.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
The Audacity of Hypocrites
Kwame Kilpatrick, the mayor of Detroit for now, was asked to step down last night in a vote by the city council. His answer was an indignant NO. Barack Obama has stated that "words matter." I wonder if that same rule applies to text messages. That is how Kwame expressed his affection for his Chief of Staff over 800 times on a city issued mobile phone. They both swore under oath that there is no relationship. I guess it depends on what your definition of "is" is.
Next we have the newly appointed governor of New York, David Paterson. One day after taking the oath of office, he has admitted to affairs that included a "number of women." Among those was a state employee. His wife also had multiple affairs, but none of the couple's trysts involved state money. Eliot's episode was also paid for out of pocket.
Now to Obama. He tried to distance himself from Jeremiah Wright yesterday. Out of one side of his mouth he denounced the statements while saying his pastor was misunderstood and still a friend out of the other side. Still not enough distance, but enough that Hillary can slide in and steal this thing.
I will wrap up the all hypocrites hour with Ted Kennedy. Seems he likes to dump diesel into the Nantucket Sound. At least it's not a body in a river. Here's the link to read all about it.http://www.newsmax.com/insidecover/Kennedy_polluter/2008/03/14/80443.html?s=al&promo_code=473F-1
Monday, March 17, 2008
Cult of Personality
Enjoy this video of "trusted advisor" Jeremiah Wright, Barack Obama's Pastor for more than twenty years. Reports today place Barack in the sanctuary on September 22, 2007, when one of the more controversial sermons spilled from the mouth of this racist man. How do we know this? The secret service agents were subjected to this garbage and that is a matter of recorded fact. Mr. Wright served on Obama's campaign until recently as the African-American Leadership Committee Chairman. Mr. Wright also traveled with Nation of Islam founder Louis Farrakhan to Tripoli to meet with Gaddafi.
Obama will give a speech on Tuesday in Philadelphia on this subject. He equates Wright's words to an Uncle that we all have and love, but don't always agree with. This man married Barack and Michelle and baptized the Obama children.
Roger, here's your chance to root out one of those churches that need to lose their tax exempt status for meddling in politics. Too, late - the IRS is already investigating.
Barack has been quoted as saying, "It will light upon you. You will experience an epiphany. And you will say to yourself, I have to vote for Barack. I have to do it." It just hit me - this guy scares the snot out of me. I may be voting Hillary in the upcoming Indiana Primary.