Thursday, May 8, 2008

The Beatings Will Continue Until Morale Improves

It may be an election ploy, but Hillary has said she wants to "take" the BIG oil company's windfall profits to pay for the gas tax relief. Can you say Marxist? What we have here is a supply problem. We know we have the oil. We know where it is. We are being held hostage by environmental whackos that are thwarting the process to drill for more oil and build more refineries.

Let's look at this from a business standpoint. We'll say you are a brewer and purveyor of fine beer. The cost of hops is going through the roof because of world wide demand. Our farmers could grow top quality hops right here, but they might disturb the mating grounds of some groundhogs. Now said purveyor has to raise the price. The pints are so delicious that the customers keep coming. Some are cutting back, others are switching to corporate swill, but business is still good. Hey, the people just have to have it. The business owner is making insane profits. The liberal candidates promise the locals that the owner will be taxed on those profits to reduce the premium beer tax. No big deal, the owner just raises the price again to pay for it. His explanation - businesses don't really pay taxes, they just pass it on to the customer. He is so right. But, wouldn't it just be simpler if he could buy his hops from an American farm? Win- win situation you say? Ahh, but the beatings will continue until morale improves around here.


The New Albanian said...

You are to analogies what George W. Bush is to fair elections.

Your fundamental premise has something to do with wackos, but since that premise isn;t proven, the rest is fairly mundane.

It also might be helpful to know something about hops and where (and how) they're grown. It would make your argument stronger. Then again, you're not much for logic in arguments.

I'm going for a beer now. After all, it's past noon on Sunday somewhere.

shirley baird said...

As a consumer I get so tired of being blamed for high gas prices. You are a consumer, do you blame yourself for the high gas prices? I don't drive an SUV, I drive a 4 cylinder car and conserve as much as possible.

Why can't you understand that the oil companies are ripping us off? Can you say price gouging?

Call Hillary a Marxist all you want but she wants to help our shrinking middle class. If that's Marxism then call me a "Commie". I just want to be able to buy a basket of groceries and a tank of gas out of the same paycheck.

Daniel Short said...

Shirley, I share your frustration. The fact is is that there are no viable alternatives at the moment for energy other than oil. The world demand is staggering with countries like China and India demanding more and more. The oil companies are free to sell to whom they wish and the demand drives the price up. Another undeniable fact is that there is enough oil in America to supply us for over thirty years, and that is just the oil that we know of. Third fact is that we have not been able to drill for that oil or to build a new refinery or nucleur power plant for over thirty years. Why can't we use our own resources while perfecting the emerging forms of alternative energy? I am certainly not blaming you for the high gas prices. I put the blame with oil future speculators and environmentalists that resist exploration.