Friday, October 24, 2008

Obama's Houston Campaign Headquarters

This is a telling photo of Obama's campaign office in Houston, Texas. It is none other than radical Che Guevara super-imposed on a Cuban flag.


The New Albanian said...

Nice story, Daniel.

I just searched this, and it's from February of this year.

At this point, grasping rather desperately for straws.

I hope no one finds out that in 1985, I was in the same room (a very big room -- St Peter's in Rome) with the Pope!

Egads ... I must be Catholic!!

Daniel Short said...

More to come a big corporate trial lawyer, I have to set the stage.

Anonymous said...

I feel really sad for THE NEW ALBANIAN. He's just like the Liberal matter what information there is about Obama, he refuses to see it. There's so much out there that can be proved and so much out there that is covered up by the media and the Democrats, but people choose to look the other way. Are you so hard hearted or hard headed that you refuse to see what's right before your eyes? Obama has so many links to so many anti-America people...I'm not talking about one person that may have crossed his path during his life, I'm talking about SEVERAL and I guess you just toss that up to coincidence, don't you? Oh and by the way, Daniel doesn't have to grasp for straws when it comes to info about Obama. There's so much of it, he can easily "spread the wealth around."