Wednesday, January 21, 2009

"A New Era of Responsibility"...Yeah, Right

While the world awakens from its all night Obamasm, I have to ponder the change that is upon us. The President campaigned on it and yesterday talked about a new era of responsibility. Not yet 24 hours into his administration, the change is drastic and the responsibility falls once again on the tax paying citizens of America.

Here are some headlines in the morning papers and on news sites.

"Obama White House Calls for repealing defense of marriage act."

"Obama moves to halt terror trials."

From Plans to repeal the Tiahrt Amendment and make guns "Child Proof."

"U.S. Stocks Slide in Dow Average’s Worst Inauguration Day Drop"

"Stimulus not enough, Soros warns U.S."

So, let me get all of this straight. We will be more responsible if we print another trillion dollars and hand it out like Pez to little kids. George Soros has set the stage for even more by lobbing the first "more money missile" from the liberal bunker. We will be more responsible if we close down Gitmo and tell the terrorists they are free to strike us again. We will definitely see change if the Defense of Marriage act is repealed. No doubt we will see change in crime rates. They will climb as law abiding citizens have their constitutional right to own, carry and use a firearm is stripped away by Obama and Holder.

I see change for sure. I see the government becoming responsible for the majority of our lives. I see the writing on the wall and I don't like it. Shouldn't a new era of responsibility include people being more responsible for themselves personally and not just for the tax burden they represent? Obama mania is runnig wild, but the hangover is coming.


Bob G. said...

I heard all this "responsibility" stuff yesterday, and I had to roll my eyes repeatedly. They still ache, btw.

In the manner that I was raised, I HAVE been AS RESPONSIBLE a person to my country, as could be, whether it's with my MONEY, my CAR, my HOUSE, my OCCUPATION, my LIFE...whatever.

As far as I'm concerned, I've done (and still am doing) "my part" of this whole "responsibility" gig (for decades)...and have yet to "reap the whirlwind of kudos.
(as I'm sure YOU have also)

Time for "the rest" to get on board and ante up.
And for the gov't to lead the way...for a change (that we seriously can believe in)


Daniel Short said...

Bob, consider this as a pat on the back from me to you. I hope government becomes more responsible, but I don't count on it.

Anonymous said...

This must be a difficult time for rich white republicans. Dems in the white house, dems in the senate, dems in the congress and every major country and minor country in the world celebrating the end of the GOP reign of terror in the US

Daniel Short said...

Well Anonymous, if that is your real name, all Republicans are not rich and white...just like all anonymous commentors are not morons. But, I digress. I believe it will be a difficult time for everyone over the next few years, but as stated my hope is that all goes well.