Thursday, January 8, 2009

Pardon Me Mr. President

The total number of pardons that President Bush has handed out is approaching 200. Thirty one of these cases involve some type of drug conviction. But, we are hoping and praying and emailing and calling...for the pardon of two American Patriots that were arrested for doing the jobs that their own government hired them to do. Their names are Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean. You may or may not know their story, but it is one worth repeating. These two brave men were confronted by a Mexican mad man wildly driving an SUV that was headed straight for the Texas line. Osvaldo Aldrete Davila was bringing his usual load of illegal drugs into our country - 743 pounds of pot. His own mother has publicly stated that he never ran drugs without a gun. Ramos and Compean managed to stop the vehicle and the perp fled even after repeated calls for him to surrender by the agents that had weapons drawn. Then the assailant stopped, turned and reached for something. He was promptly shot in the ass. You would think this might be the end of the story and the end of another day on the border. Not so. The perp fled back into Mexico and was later located by federal authorities. Not only were the border patrol agents arrested, the assailant was given immunity to testify against them in court. During his period of immunity, he tried again to bring drugs into the country.

This is all seems like some insane dream, I know. But, it is all true. The agents are currently serving 11 and 12 year sentences in prison. Aldrete Dávila has filed a $5 million lawsuit against the U.S. government claiming that his civil rights were violated. Johnny Sutton is the one that should be in prison. He is the U.S. Attorney that tried these men. We need to make some noise now. We have twelve days left for Bush to act on this. He is aware of the situation. Call your Senators, Representatives and email the White House. Justice must win out in this case, not only for our nation, but for these men and their families.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Trust me, there is much more going on here than what's being told! These men got caught up in something out of their control. I wouldn't be suprised if the smuggler wasn't working for the Mexican government, CIA or both!