Thursday, September 24, 2009

Indoctrination At Its Worst

mmm, mmm, mmm...Barack Hussein Obama.

This filth is from a school district in New Jersey. Hat tip to Dave.


coachsullivan said...

I'm sure it's more of the same at this school.

Anonymous said...

Only you could refer to children singing a song as "filth". Nice.

Anonymous said...

But only children that don't agree with him, of course.

Daniel Short said...

Only "me"?? Well, who are you? Liberals are welcome here, but I prefer you not leave comments anonymously and with the insinuation that you know me.

I was not referring to the children as filth, only the indoctrination that they are being subjected to.

coachsullivan said...

Is not singing the national anthem or reciting the Pledge of Allegiance "indoctrination"? Or taking children to church? Where are the lines drawn between what is acceptable and what is not?

Agreed on the anonymous flames. Stand up and be counted, boys.

John Manzo said...

Let's not be so innocent to pretend this kind of stuff doesn't happen in multiple directions..

Daniel Short said...

John, you are correct. It happens way more often than anyone knows or cares to admit, and in all directions.

Coach, going to church is about a spiritual life, not worshiping a man. The national anthem is more about our history and pride of where we live.

To me, it is never acceptable to for this to happen in a public school. Parents have the right to teach their children this type of thing at home...and that is where the line needs to be drawn.