Thursday, October 16, 2008

Q and A with Dave Matthews

Recently I have had the opportunity to ask a few questions of the Floyd County Republican Chairman, who just so happens to be running for commissioner. I asked Dave what he thought the biggest issue was in this year's election? His response is below.

The leading issue nationally is the economy and how its changes are affecting every one of us. That would have to be equally as important locally, here in Floyd County, as it is everywhere else. If Governor Daniels gets re-elected November 4th, as I believe he will, I believe he will begin his process of trimming local governments and their expenditures. I do not agree with all of these initiatives. However, there are certainly government expenditures at the County level that can be trimmed and made more efficient. I do not agree that we need only one County Commissioner, and I don't think the voters do either. However, there might be other county offices......for example, township assessors.....whose responsibilities could be covered by a central County agency, such as the County Assessor. If County governments are going to have their State funding trimmed, we will have to find efficiencies that we haven't tried before and find better ways to do business. I want our teachers, fireworkers and police agencies to have higher wages but this will have to be balanced with budget concerns in many other areas.

I hope to bring you more from Mr. Matthews soon with some details of how we can achieve the goals with less revenue.

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