Thursday, March 19, 2009

Reagan Quote of the Day

'Government is like a baby: An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no sense of responsibility at the other.'

Ronald Reagan (1965)


John Manzo said...

I am always amazed at people who bash government so much and then want to run it.

Daniel Short said...

My dear John, it is all in how you run it...

Jeff Gillenwater said...

They claim government makes bad decisions, make bad decisions while in government, and then say I told you so.

It's brilliant from a campaign promise standpoint.

Daniel Short said...

I believe Reagan was referring to Big know, like the kind we are experiencing at this very moment. The kind that pulls one trillion dollars out of the air to try one last ditch effort at propping this puppy up. Yep, doesn't matter if your kids are paying crazy inflationary prices for things, or as Reagan put it, what comes out of the other end.

Bob G. said...

They're not REALLY pulling the money our of thin air...not as long as they have those PRINITING!

Jeff Gillenwater said...

Actually, the banks pull much more money out of thin air than the government has ever printed.

The government would actually do well to print considerably more over a temporary, well monitored time to cover the banks shockingly over leveraged butts.

Inflation can generally be dealt with at least semi-successfully. Private banks are a much tougher political nut to crack, as we've seen over the past few years with politicians seeking even more leeway for the financial "gurus" who created our current situation.

One thing that needs to come of this mess is for a complete nationalization of not necessarily the private banks but certainly of the central one. The drunks have been in charge of that keg for far too long and our monetary policy reflects it.

That may be an area in which people of different political persuasions can find some common ground.

Daniel Short said...

The Federal Reserve prints the money and they are not even a government entity. I would go for the government taking back that power instead of letting a few big bankers handle it all. Maybe we could back the paper up with something while we are at it.